Get involved Fundraise for us Why fundraise for us? Why fundraise for us? Help us enhance our services Every donation can enhance a service - here are just some examples. A new digital lensmeter funded by the Charity means our Ophthalmic technicians can now provide an even higher quality of service for patients with greater accuracy and efficiency. A lensmeter is a piece of equipment that digitally measures the strength of a glasses lens which is designed to provide greater accuracy as well as speeding up the refraction and prescription processes. Charitable funding secured from Skipton Building Society’s Charitable Foundation has been used to support the Whatman Acute Frailty Unit at Maidstone Hospital. The Foundation donated £1,324 to fund new furniture for the Frailty Unit to facilitate breakfast and lunch clubs, as well as arts and crafts activities supporting elderly/ortho-geriatric patients. The initiative will help reduce the social isolation which many patients can experience in hospital and support patients to eat independently. Donations have also funded Kent Cancer Centre's 'Health and Wellbeing Days' for patients who have completed or are nearing completion of active cancer treatment, to help them feel supported in managing the transition from treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery) to ‘normal’ life. Events include talks and sessions about diet, exercise, financial support, emotional wellbeing and health awareness.